This is a very well done movie. The main character (played by Gregory Peck) models the value of standing up for what is right no matter what the consequences are. It really made me think about how often my own hypocrisies and fears get in the way of doing what I know to be right.
This was an excellent book and I do recommend it! It's one of those books that's hard to put down. It deals with the aftermath and victims of Hurricane Katrina. A book that makes you think about and feel grateful for health and peace and safety. I enjoyed reading it and hope you do too!
This is a long movie. It was very interesting - another deep thinking movie. A good one to watch when you are feeling stubborn about something. I'm not sure I really liked the ending...
I watched this movie 3 times - once by myself, once with my husband and once with my mom. Each time was enjoyable. This was an excellent movie - a real romance!
This was an excellent movie with a great message from our Christian brothers and sisters. It's one of those movies that you think about long after it's over. It reminded me of how much we have in common with our friends of other faiths.
This is a really good movie! But I'm warning you, it's a tear jerker! In a good way though. It's about a family that has lost two daughters. They have to let go of their two girls and come to accept and love a little boy whom they are asked to adopt. This movie really helped me because it was a gentle reminder that we need to show love to our children and look past the goofy and even downright annoying things they sometimes do!
This was an excellent movie. Very clean with a with a very good message. It is Christian-based with many references to God and trusting in Him amidst our trials. We liked this one so much that we bought it for our collection.
This was a good movie. It's about a boy who has a brain tumor and his last wish is to find a blue butterfly. One of the nice things about this DVD was that it lets you chose between the edited and unedited versions. On the edited version they edited out some of the mild language. I appreciated that a lot because I don't enjoy watching movies that use bad language. With the bad language edited out, this movie was clean and enjoyable. I hope that more film companies can follow this example and produce clean films for people to enjoy.
This is a great international film. Very touching. The movie takes place in Afghanistan (I think) and has beautiful scenery. It is in a different language so you have to watch the subtitles, but it's not hard to follow the plot like some international films.
A wonderful movie - we found it in the redbox after it was recommended to us by my sister-in-law. This movie is not for children, due to it's emotional content. It is, however very clean and teaches good values like fidelity within marriage, honesty, self-lessness, overcoming addictions, etc. We highly recommend it!
I read a cool fact about the film that I'll pass on: In the only kissing scene at the end that is in the shadows, they used the real wife of Kirk Cameron (the main character) instead of the actress that was playing his wife in the movie. Kirk felt that people, even actors, should only kiss their wife, so they made some changes to make that happen.
This is a wonderful movie with an endearing story. This was one of my favorite books growing up and I was delighted to find the movie. I highly recommend it!
This movie is not relaxing and not appropriate for young children. It deals with tough, emotional issues like racism and child abuse. But it has a very touching story.
We watched this the other night. It's a good one! We liked it so much that we couldn't turn it off...warning! It's 311 minutes! Watch it when you've got a large chunk of time. And yes, The book is great too!
We enjoy watching clean, uplifting movies together. We have found that sometimes it's hard to find movies that meet these standards. This blog is dedicated to promoting high-quality media that uplifts and motivates. If you have suggestions of such media that you've found, please leave us a comment! We'd love to hear from you.
B&H Rating System
All of the media that we list is clean and uplifting. The rating is based on how enjoyable we felt it was. The more stars, the more enjoyable.