Monday, February 16, 2009

The Color of Paradise

B&H Rating:

This is a great international film. Very touching. The movie takes place in Afghanistan (I think) and has beautiful scenery. It is in a different language so you have to watch the subtitles, but it's not hard to follow the plot like some international films.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


B&H Rating:

A wonderful movie - we found it in the redbox after it was recommended to us by my sister-in-law. This movie is not for children, due to it's emotional content. It is, however very clean and teaches good values like fidelity within marriage, honesty, self-lessness, overcoming addictions, etc. We highly recommend it!

I read a cool fact about the film that I'll pass on: In the only kissing scene at the end that is in the shadows, they used the real wife of Kirk Cameron (the main character) instead of the actress that was playing his wife in the movie. Kirk felt that people, even actors, should only kiss their wife, so they made some changes to make that happen.